WASD to play, avoid the orcs and defeat them by pushing or pulling your barrel into them, your barrel can also be used to temporarily disable obstacles. Collect coins to increase your score, collect enough coins and an explosion will happen that'll kill all the orcs on the stage, and temporarily disable their spawners.

Orcs are unable to pass through disabled obstacles

A screenshot showing a disabled spawner

Egads, guess the ale must've been too much, and now you're stuck in a nightmare where you're chained to this large barrel while orcs come after ye, well since you're ya might as well collect some coins to feel good about yourself eh mate

Fair Warning
Terribly janky physics, mostly because I pushed through and didn't realize It was a terrible idea till it was too late. Also coins can and will collide and block your barrel, that one's intended. Anyway follow me on Twitter and I promise I'll post more of my misadventures or what have ye.

Barrel being blocked by a coin

Jam Challenge Info
This could count as fulfilling the single pack challenge (Mini Dungeon Pack) IF the audio packs don't count towards that challenge count, otherwise there's no other challenge fulfilled.
AssetPacks are : Mini Dungeon, Impact Sounds, RPG Sounds, and Interface Sounds all by Kenney

Font used is "Cat Franken Deutsch" which has an OFL license

Made withUnity


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looks good, what engine is it ? 

It’s Unity 2022.3


This is so cool and unique! Absolutely love it! Something makes me really wanna see a multiplayer version with players running around all with big barrels🤣.